Actualize Your Compassionate Nature...
It is a blessing to be called to a life of compassionate service
in the natural healing arts.
To be an instrument of a conscious and caring universe.
To consciously accelerate one's evolution
through a life of dedicated service.
To take personal responsibility
for the healing of humanity.
To live in integrity with one's most cherished beliefs of
the unity and divinity of all life.
Discover The Healing Power of Presence...
with Bruce Burger, MA, Author of
Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness
"...hailed as a “Bible of Energy Medicine”
Founder, Heartwood Institute
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Sharing more than a Half Century's Experience
of working with Consciousness
In the Natural Healing Arts
ॐ 2024-25 Workshop Schedule ॐ
Earn Certification and Continuing Education Credit
Zoom with Bruce
Energy Medicine
Foundation Training
"The Healing Power of Presence"
Begins April 10, 2025
6 Thursdays 9:30am Pacific Time
Or learn anytime at your convenience...
Zoom Classes at a Time of Your Convenience
Immerse Yourself In Liberating Unitive Consciousness
with Bruce's Uniquely Deep Understanding of Energy Medicine
Learn 3 Powerful Energy Balancing Sessions
Sattvic Energy Balancing Session
Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System
Balances Sattva Guna and the Air Element
Facilitates Deep States of Soul Communion, Lucidity and Healing Energy
Sattva Guna Is The Force of Equilibrium in Nature and The Cosmos.
Rajasic Energy Balancing Session
Balances Elemental Fire and The Sympathetic Nervous System
Clears Blocked and Stagnant Energy and Promotes Vitality
Ultrasonic Core Energy Balancing Session
Releases Stress, Trauma and Blocked Energy from the Spine and Central Nervous System
Releases Stress, Trauma and Emotional Armoring on Cellular and Molecular levels
Opens the Pelvis, and Mobilizes the Sacrum & Cerebral-Spinal system
Facilitates Deep States of Lucidity, and Soul Communion to Accelerate Spiritual Evolution
Dear One:
One thing I have observed in my 80+ years on this planet, is that unconscious forces from childhood trauma run our lives!
We are driven to unconsciously
recreate and act out the dynamics of our childhood trauma, in our
families, our work and our friendships.
The family, the schoolroom, the
office, the voluntary organization often become psychodrama for the most
deeply disturbed individuals in the group.
Healing is multidimensional: We need to Clean Up and Grow Up... as well as Wake Up.
We offer a powerful Integral Approach
to Healing and Health Building... with resources that help you Clean
Up, Grow Up and Wake Up.
Clean Up Your Karma...Clearing Samskaras and Vasanas
Our Energy Medicine Techniques help you to Clean-Up your Karma: which in yoga is called vasanas and samskaras...
Clean Up Your Body clearing childhood developmental trauma from dysfunctional families and school. stress, armoring and trauma.
Energy Medicine facilitates a molecular transformation in your body as a field of energy.
Our Somatic Emotional Clearing
continues this process as we renegotiate and re-frame the subconscious.
Rescuing The Inner Child helps to facilitate a conscious and nourishing
relationship with a vulnerable part of your becoming to resolve
developmental trauma and rapidly move toward Growing Up!
* Accelerate the evolution of your consciousness as we contemplate life's
deepest questions...
* Learn Powerful Energy Balancing Techniques!
* Cultivate a deeper understanding of your inherent divinity and
* the power
of working directly with life force energy in the healing arts.
Regardless of your background or degree of training I am confident
you will benefit both from the powerful hands on techniques and the
opportunity to once again join in contemplation of this
divine, wondrous
and mysterious gift of life!
View the classes anytime and anyplace via ZOOM at your
Finish the class in your own rhythm and complete the
sessions within 1 year to earn certification.

Energy As Medicine Seminars with Bruce Burger
Approved Provider Number 451667-11
Expiration Date 6/30/2025
It is Highly Recommended that you register with another student
so you can make a commitment to both receiving and giving
this powerful work in your learning experience..
To facilitate this, we are offering a special $400 discount for duel registration!
Tuition Investment: $595
Two Students Tuition $795
Repeating Students $195
Each Week You will receive links to 3 Classes:
* Mantra Yoga Sound Bath & Energy Principles
* Hands On Theory and Practice of Energy Medicine
* Demonstration And Lead-through of Three Energy
Balancing Sessions which can be used professionally
and for personal growth
Zoom Replay available anytime. Take class at your convenience.
ॐ ॐ ॐ
Somatic Emotional Clearing
Counseling For Bodyworkers
Transformational Therapy

6 Thursdays beginning May 22, 2025
9:30-12:30 pacific time...
Or learn anytime at your convenience...
Check Out The First Class Free on YouTube

Each Class Replayed From Zoom At Your Convenience

Energy As Medicine Seminars with Bruce Burger
Approved Provider Number 451667-11
Expiration Date 6/30/2025
Tuition Investment: $595
Two Students Tuition $795
Repeating Students $195
is best if you can take the class with a partner, so that you can
receive as well as give the work each week. To encourage this we are
offing a special $400 discount for dual registration.